Being an intuitive and compassionate healer and reader, I have been walking the path of metaphysical and spirituality for over 15 years now. I have always been intrigued by divination and mysticism since childhood, so I was drawn to various modalities very easily.

As my practice deepened, one fact that came to my awareness is that, the more you surrender to divine, the more guidance and insights come forward.To surrender simply means to have faith in our creator, The Supreme Being. By no means does it equate to discarding or disregarding your logical mind completely. It simply calls for allowing it to rest, so your faith and intuition takes over. A capable healer understands that creating a balance between two minds is the strength of a healer. Ultimately, the solutions we provide in our sessions have to be adapted or be workable in everyday life. This understanding has only become stronger over the years.

In my opinion, another virtue that makes a good healer is being empathetic to our querants. According to Robert Gren, eminent author, empathy is an incredible human ability to get inside the perspective or the point of view of other people to see how they view the world.In short, it is out innate ability to feel and understand how others feels and think.

As I grew in my metaphysical practice and started interacting with fellow readers and healers, I realised more was spoken about intuition and very little about being an empath, and how it affects out abilities as healers to read for or heal others.

It is very important to address this. If our personal energies are not managed well before and after the session, then it will reflect back as an ache in any body part or the feeling of dullness for no reason. As in recent times, people have started discussing more about empaths and their characteristics, so the need to write this article has been risen. As the general consciousness is increasing and the human race is evolving and ascending spiritually, this is the right time to discuss this great psychological phenomenon.

When I recently started working on my website, I needed to dig up some of my reviews I had gotten from my clients. While going through them I realized there was one common thing in most of them. They spoke about various aspects of reading with me, my techniques, how accurate I was, how clear I was in explaining the insights, etc. and all of them included a line or two about how they felt during and after the session with me. This shows us empathy is definitely a vital virtue if you are a healer or a reader

There is one more hard fact about being an empath: empathy does not necessarily mean you are an empath. They may sound similar but there is a huge difference between the two.

Empathy is where a person’s heart reaches out to another’s. For an empath, these feelings exist on a much higher spectrum.

I learnt this lesson the hard way. Once reading cards for a friend and his broken relationship, he was venting to me about how depressed and helpless he felt. I picked up his emotions and started feeling the same depression till the next day, until I realised what I was doing. Instead of being empathetic, I was being an empath, and mistaking his pain as my own. Although the truth of the matter was that I was just a mirror reflecting his pain as my own.

As an Akashic Records reader and Tarot Card reader, understanding this difference was a great step towards selfcare and creating safe boundaries. While working through this I always kept in mind that this is just information shared with me. It is not mine to take home with me. This helped me grow on my spiritual path through my work with ease and joy. Slowly I developed my own methods to ground and shield myself and not carry home the unnecessary baggage.

I believe taking care of oneself is not selfish, it is very necessary to protect yourself when you are working with energy medicine. As a healer and light worker, we have been given the chance to help others and guide them to live their life with prosperity. If we do not feel our own cups with selfcare and selflove, then how are we going to look after others? Healers are merely a channel to help people find their own natural abilities to heal their mind, body and soul. It is our duty to keep this channel sparkling.

We all have magical abilities and gifts inside us. We can open them up with simple prayers and good intentions if we believe and have faith. My techniques have developed over the years and work the best for me. Hopefully, they will help you, too.

GROUNDING:Imagine yourself being held by our mother earth and father sky. They are holding you and keeping you grounded between them during the whole session.

SHIELDING:Imagine the divine light of the cosmic sun flowing through every aspect of your being and enveloping you in crystalline bright light, creating a strong shield around you. This keeps you shielded during your sessions, keeping you safe and sound.

A small prayer after this step helps me invoke and connect with my guides. This calls for total surrender to the divine during the session.

After the session, the final step is to release any residual negative energies. I may have collected these energies knowingly or unknowingly.

Sometimes, I also resort to journaling or using an appropriate crystal during or after the session. Finding what works within your own framework and following it every singly time transforms these hardships of our gifts into the compassion and unconditional love. These feelings of compassion and love makes us all the true healers that we are. I am delighted to work in the times where humanity in general is evolving spiritually. I am sure with our conscious efforts we all will ascend to higher planes.

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