Chakra Balancing

45 Minutes Session | One on One, Online Session | Free 10 Minute Consultation Call | Readings in English, Hindi, Gujarati & Marathi

Since time immemorial, Vedic scholars are of the opinion that the human body possesses a total of 7 chakras. These chakras or wheels are energy centres that should be balanced and move in perfect momentum. Each of these chakras have an important role to play. When even one of the Chakras is not balanced, they affect our wellbeing.

There are 8 dimensions to our wellness: Physical, Emotional, Spiritual, Intellectual, Financial, Social, Occupational and Environmental.

My Chakra Balancing and Healing Sessions are aimed at aligning and maintaining the balance of these energies in the body. Thus, radiating good health.

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Binita Aamol Rege