Certified Course | 5 Sessions of 1.5 Hours Each | Live Online Sessions | Interactive Group Class

Learn Akashic Records Reading to attune yourself to the world inside of you. Connect with your higherself and find guidance for life. Clear your Karmic debts, call back your skills and talents from other lifetimes, and know your soul family, your soul's blueprint, and your life path. Tap into the energetic library of infinite wisdom from the comfort of your home.

Level 1 - The Akashic Records Reading Workshop for Apprentices.

Apprentices can read Akashic Records for themselves and others.

Contents of the course

  • What are Akashic Records?
  • The Laws of Karma
  • Understanding your Karmic Lessons
  • Meet your guides
  • Method to access the Records
  • How to read your Akashic Records
  • Journaling
  • Attunement
  • Getting Remedies & Guidances from the Records
  • Reading Practice & Case Studies


WhatsApp Group Support | Class Recordings Available | PDF Notes | Class Revision Available for Minimal Energy Exchange

Level 2 - The Akashic Records Readings Workshop for Professionals

Professionals can heal others through Akashic Records and teach this divination tool.

You need to attend Level 1 to be able to enrol in this class.

Certified Course | 5 Sessions of 1.5 Hours Each | Live Online Sessions | Interactive Group Class

Contents of the course

  • Cleansing of your Aura
  • Identifying the Soul Contracts
  • When to Clear the Contracts
  • How to do the Clearings for yourself and others
  • Taking Property Readings
  • Prayers & Process to Clear the Contracts
  • Process of Rewriting the Records
  • Practical Sessions
  • Process of Attuning others (Become a Trainer)


WhatsApp Group Support | Class Recordings Available | PDF Notes | Class Revision Available for Minimal Energy Exchange

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Binita Aamol Rege