The word Akashic comes from the Sanskrit word for Akash or sky. Has anybody seen where the sky ends? I don’t think so. It is above us – infinite and endless.

As humans, we are made up of five elements: air, fire, water, earth, and ether,- that is space. The Akash. It is within us and around us.

So, when its everywhere around us, what happens? It is like a GPS. It knows where you were yesterday, where you’re going today. It also knows what you scroll through on your phone. Akashic records are the same. They know about your past, present and future. It is the encyclopaedia of your lives across space and time, from the time our soul separates from its source – its creator, to today and beyond. All the births, deaths and journeys our soul has taken is recorded here. It is a vast pool of information. Every action, intention, thought – every minute detail is recorded here. And not only of this life, but of other lifetimes as well. They are based on the philosophy of karma.

You can ask any type of question here; all will be answered if your guides feel you are ready to listen. They can provide answers and solutions from the most mundane everyday life questions to some of the deepest questions.

Akashic readings were once an esoteric, sacred practice hidden from the masses. Only saints and spiritual or religious gurus could access these records. Now, it is in the reach of those who seek wisdom. It is an ancient wisdom, simple, yet profound.

The pandemic has changed the way we look at the world and our lives. Everyone has realized the importance of spiritual wellness in our lives. So now, such subjects have come into the limelight.

The akashic records contain solutions to every problem a human being faces, from global to mundane, like raising families, dealing with health-related problems and the purpose of our life. It helps us live our lives with joy and inviting abundance in all areas of our lives.

By accessing these records, new depths of self-understanding and empowerment emerge in front of us. Knowing the path and purpose of our life gives us a strong sense of direction and energy for life.

A woman had approached me for a reading. She said she felt stuck in her career, and that she was feeling lost. Once I accessed her akashic records, I found that she was a very creative person, with no medium to express her creativity. Her job at the time did not allow her to express this creativity at all, and that was why she felt stuck. Once she realized this, she left her job, and is now a published author.

So, these records allow us to see the world from a much different perspective which may be broader and deeper. It gives depth to our life.

Does anyone know what happens when a person dies? Or what the purpose of our death and reincarnation is?

It is believed that the soul is a particle of God. Humans are stuck in the cycle of birth and death, which we call samsara. Our life is a part of, and will always be stuck in the material world. The soul is immortal and after death, it migrates to a new life on earth or elsewhere. Whether this life is for the better or worse compared to the previous one depends on the amount of good or evil done in one’s life. According to the Vedic scriptures, this is called the law of karma. Before the soul decides to take birth, it decides for the karmic deaths to be cleared and lessons to be learnt in the particular life time. Once all of this is decided, a soul family is chosen, with whom these lessons will be learnt. Thus, the soul contracts are created. The soul itself chooses the kind of life it will live in this lifetime. This happens with the guidance of their guides, angels, and ancestors. This is called the soul’s blueprint.

A person who has fully grasped the true teachings of life will achieve moksha (salvation) and nirvana (a state of enlightenment) i.e., freedom from the cycle of life.

A person who has fully grasped the true teachings of life will achieve moksha (salvation) and nirvana (a state of enlightenment) i.e., freedom from the cycle of life.

This is where akashic records come in as a saviour. A guide to help us release our karmic debts, help us learn our lessons swiftly and finish our cycle of life with ease.

During this time, we can still invite joy, abundance, and prosperity in all areas of our lives.

The author is Binita Aamol Rege. She is a practicing akashic
records reader, tarot reader, spiritual coach, and cosmic healer.

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Binita Aamol Rege